lateral career moves: unlocking the path to career advancement

As someone with an advanced degree and license in building leadership, I frequently come across educators who are unwilling to switch schools unless it's for a leadership position as an Assistant Principal or Principal. Additionally, I have met many Assistant Principals who feel trapped in their current schools because they cannot secure a Principal role in their preferred district and are unwilling to consider Assistant Principal positions at other schools.

I am thrilled to announce that I have accepted a position to continue my work as a "Master Teacher" in a nearby district. The principal's exceptional leadership skills have instilled confidence in me regarding my decision. Although hesitant initially, I now understand that lateral career moves are an excellent way to showcase your abilities and ultimately lead to your desired position. I encourage you to consider making a similar move I'll outline why in this article.

Many people aim to advance their careers as it signifies success and achievement in their professional lives. While the traditional idea of career advancement involves moving up the hierarchy within an organization, this notion is now being questioned. Experts acknowledge that lateral career moves can also lead to higher positions and should be considered (Aboko et al., 2016). Before assessing our career success, we should consider the role of such moves in our career transitions.

The traditional definition of career success was narrow, focusing solely on upward movement within an organizational structure. The definition of career success has undergone a transformation to encompass both upward and lateral moves. This expanded definition acknowledges the value of lateral career moves and recognizes that they can lead to advancement and success.

Lateral career move refers to transitions that involve moving into a different role or department at a similar level of responsibility rather than strictly moving up the organizational hierarchy


Lateral moves offer several benefits that can contribute to an individual's professional growth and development.

  1. A lateral career move allows individuals to broaden their skills and experiences. Moving laterally may expose individuals to new challenges and responsibilities that differ from their current roles. This exposure allows them to develop a diverse skill set and gain a deeper understanding of different aspects of the organization.

  2. A lateral career move allows individuals to expand their professional network. By transitioning into a different role, individuals can work with new colleagues and build relationships outside their immediate team. This expanded network can offer new perspectives, insights, and potential future opportunities.

  3. A lateral career move can also increase an individual's adaptability and flexibility. Individuals are exposed to different work environments, teams, and projects by taking on different roles. This exposure to different contexts challenges individuals to adapt quickly and learn how to navigate new situations effectively.

  4. A lateral career move can also enhance an individual's problem-solving and critical-thinking skills. As individuals move laterally, they may encounter new challenges and unfamiliar situations that require innovative solutions. This encourages individuals to think creatively and develop their problem-solving abilities, leading to personal growth and increased effectiveness in the workplace.

  5. A lateral career move can also allow individuals to gain a broader perspective of the organization as a whole. Individuals moving into different roles or departments can gain valuable insights into how different parts of the organization work together. This broader perspective can improve their understanding of the organization's overall goals and objectives and help them see how their role fits into the bigger picture.

Opting for a lateral career move can bring about numerous advantages for personal and professional growth. It widens knowledge and proficiency, establishes new connections, and enhances flexibility and problem-solving abilities.


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